I've been out every evening this past week, so it's up to my powers of memory to fill up this blog with everything that happened.
First off I was out 3 nights in a row, so that when my brithday evening came along on the fourth night, I was so exhausted that Orest go off lightly and didn't have to take me out for dinner anywhere. I probably need to mention that I was exhausted by having had surgery the night before and spending most of birthday preparing for and hosting a lunch for my friends.
The surgery was a quick removal of a uterine polyp by dilation and curettage (hence the "dusting & cleaning" reference) but had to be done under general anasthetic, so I woke up feeling as if I had had a really great uninterupted sleep. I guess I didn't realize how broken up my sleep is normally, because I'm constantly at the edge of wakefulness at home with 3 children. It's as if my mind is still alert, scanning for any noises that might need examining even though my eyes are closed and I think I'm asleep. It doesn't help that often I get visitors in the night coming to my bed saying:
"Mama, I had a bad dream..." (Well, you shouldn't have watched the 'Scream until You Puke' DVD!")
"Mama, I'm cold..." ("Well that's because you're naked!")
or the best one:
"Mama, my covers are too poofy..." ("Well....What do you respond to that one with?")
It was fun seeing Cammie and Emma at my birthday lunch on Friday. I'd invited them over to sell Boleslawiec pottery to my friends - but mostly so that I could have my own collection on hand to figure out exactly what I was missing from it. (I have problems going over to buy in Poland on my own, because it's not until I get back that I realize that I've gotten the wrong size, or I already had way too many square serving platters and I needed round ones instead.) Their company is called "Mugs, Jugs and More" (completely innocently chosen, I was assured) and I've set them up a temporary website until we can get the business end sorted. So if you feel the need for Bole, check them out at: http://www.freewebs.com/mugsjugsandmore/. (I'll do a link from my blog too.)
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