As mentioned previously, Orest booked tickets to see Cirque du Soleil (totally inconvenient time to go...see 2nd paragraph) and it was once again fabulous. The children were fascinated by the chinese contortionists, who seemed spineless in form and were able to create bizarre formations stacking body on top of body, balancing on a thigh or a chin or something equally as miraculous.
They also loved the clowns who didn't actually speak English, but "Cirquish", a baby-talk mixture of English, Spanish and French. They were really funny and in most cases language wasn't even needed. Like when one clown came out with a paper airplane making plane noises and then the second one coming up behind him making even louder plane noises with a paper airplane the size of a massive kite (if it weren't made of paper, he wouldn't have been able to carry it over his head like that). The first one, at that point, realizing he's been beat, throws his paper airplane down and stomps on it. Hilariously funny (more so if you were there, I'm sure).
So the scheduling sucked because we were all still getting over our jetlag, and the last thing the children needed was a late night and another reason not to get up in the morning. Also, Larysa was in the middle of more entrance exams for secondary school next year. Saturday was a callback for an exam she'd done in November that I'd never had thought she'd pass. The reason for my doubt was that when she'd finished their first set of exams, the first words out of her mouth were:
"I have to pee!"
"OK, but Larysa, how did you do on the test?"
"I did really well but I had to pee!"
This was all I could get out of her until we found a toilet for her to empty her bladder. Even after that she was unconcerned, while I was sure that all her focus had been trained on her pelvic floor muscles and that she'd tanked on the exam. Who knew that instead it made her focus even more on answering quickly and correctly?
She is one strange little girl!
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