Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Burns Supper

This was the first year in many that we celebrated Robbie Burns' birthday, the last being a memorable one at our house here in London 4 years ago with the MacPhails helping us to make it authentic as possible - seeing as we're Ukrainian-Canadians!

This time it was held at our primary school and was a good evening considering that school functions can sometimes be a real bust. But seeing that our headteacher, Mrs. Morrissey, is from Scotland, she was going to make sure it was the best Burns Supper possible. She had the haggis shipped down from an organic butcher in Scotland and had her son pipe in the haggis.

And when Mrs. Morrissey says it's time to do the Scottish dancing, it's time to do Scottish dancing. Barely anyone dared sit out as not to incur the wrath of her gimlet eye and scorching tongue (Robbie's rubbed off on me!). So although few men attended, those who did, were very afraid not to dance. (Saved us the trouble of trying to cajole the menfolk away from the whiskey!)

It was a fun night out and we look forward to spending more Burns Supper evenings in future.

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