Saturday, November 04, 2006

Burn Guy, burn!

Guy Fawkes night....what an interesting celebration. Bonfires with an effigy atop and fireworks to symbolize the gunpowder that could have lit up the Parliament if not stopped. A classic struggle between the Catholics and newly-formed Anglicans all wrapped up in tidy package of fun for all ages.
We had heard that in Chiddingfold, Surrey they have quite the massive parade, fair and bonfire, so we decided to organize and outing there in conjunction with the Ukrainian Scouts. We first arrived at the old folks home to prepare a bit of games and snacks for the kids and then took a walk down to the village once it got dark.
We arrived just in time to watch the procession of torch bearers (about 400 of them) walking down from the local St Mary's school. They all had to gather around the bonfire, which was stacked up in a teepee shape at least 30 feet high, with the hapless effigy of Guy tied to the top. Then the countdown began and they threw their torches into the collected wood in waves. I was amazed that no one was injured with the massive amounts of torches being chucked, but obviously these were experienced fire-throwers.
As the fire was burning the children got a little bored after the flames had completely consumed Guy, so we took a walk around the green and found that they had many stalls selling food as well as a small fair with rides for smaller children. The girls were most interested in the stall selling all things glowing, and of course we had to buy them each a set of fluffy bunny ears that light up. (what rabbits have to do with Bonfire night is anybody's guess...)
An hour later, they began the fireworks display. With the requisite oohs and aahs, we watched while Jessie cowered at our feet from the noise. After a very good lightshow, we trudged back up the hill where we had parked at the old folks home, had some hot chocolate and biscuits and then home. When we drove by the bonfire, it was still burning brightly, and it's been said that it usually stays lit til the following morning. Amazing!

(The photo above is Adia sitting on the shoulders of our friend Stepan - who did a good job of shouldering others in our party as well.)

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