Sunday, August 05, 2007

A quickie at Mike and Mary's cottage

We didn't have a lot of time this summer to visit our friends, but we just managed to eke out a shortened weekend at the Van Dusen cottage at Green Lake.
We had to drop off Stefanie to catch the bus to camp in Toronto, so we didn't get a chance to leave until after that. So upon arriving, we had to hurry and get ready for the Green Lake costume party being held at Dan and Barb's cottage. Without much planning, Larysa came in soldier's camouflage and Adriana had her bunny ears, but I wasn't sure what to do. So I scrounged around Mike's boathouse and managed to find some accoutrements to use with my white towelling robe to come as a HazMat technician. (Only those of you CSI freaks will know what that is...) But I really have to hand it to Mary, coming as the camp warden from the story Holes...she looked just like Sigourney Weaver in the movie, sans a few inches. (I'm trying to get photos from Mary or link into Dan's website, but I'll publish for now without them.)

The next day we spent just hanging around, as the Van Dusens had to attend their cottager's association meeting, but everyone gathered under the tiki lights on the porch for a great dinner.

Next day was Adriana's first go at the Tarzan swing. Although is doesn't look high up when you're looking at the rope tied to a tree sitting in a boat, but when you're looking down trying figure out how to swing out far enough not to hit the rocks, it's scary. But after a few tries riding on Orest's back, she tried it herself. She's a trooper, that one. (Sorry, forgot to take the camera out on the boat, so here's a shot of Stefa and Larysa doing last year just to get a sense of the height.)

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