Monday, June 25, 2007

Stupid name but great nonetheless

I'd been hearing a lot about that Toronto-grown production, "The Drowsy Chaperone", since it's been showing here in the West End, so when I had a chance to pick up some cheap tickets, I thought why not?
Why not, indeed? What a great show! I was laughing, nay guffawing, almost all 90 minutes of it. I can't tell you exactly why, but it's send-up of old musicals really tickled my funny bone. And Bob Martin, the "Man in the chair" or narrator, cracked me right up! I really laughed when he forced us to watch his intermission of a Nutrigrain bar while we had none, and then him leaving us to run for a pee (although I think he said "wee" for the British audience) while he set the wrong musical running. The character of Adolpho makes me laugh just thinking about his ridiculousness.

It originally started off as a sketch for a stag party for Bob's forthcoming nuptials in Toronto and quickly was fleshed out into a full musical and pronounced a sleeper hit on Broadway. The story surrounds the idea of this gay man who loves old fashioned musicals imagining one coming to life in his studio apartment. He constantly stops the action and gives us a reality check, such as this one:

"Everything always works out in musicals. In the real world nothing ever works out and the only people who burst into song are the hopelessly deranged."

Anyway, enough of me telling you all about it....go see it for yourself, you'll have fun!

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