Thursday, February 08, 2007

London comes to a frosty standstill...almost.

Wow, what a sight this morning! Stefanie woke us at 5:45 am to see how much snow had fallen (She was really keen not to go to school) and so far it was 2 inches of the lovely stuff. (This is the back garden view from our kitchen.)

By 7:50 am, Stefanie was in a tizzy of confusion over whether to go to school or not (the website saying the school would be open regardless/her friends ringing to say they were staying home), so I told Stefanie that as a Canadian, she was morally obligated to show these English that a little bit of snow wouldn't stop her from leading her life as normal.

She was not pleased, to say the least. (That may have explained the last-ditch phone call from the bus stop saying "my shoes are soaked, I fell over so I'm cold, there's no one on the roads and the bus is no where in sight!")

Larysa and Adriana lucked out however, their school closed for the day. (I think this decision was based on the last snowfall when the teachers who did show up were stranded with children whose parents were stuck somewhere en route and had to remain until 9pm until they were collected.)

I did end up brushing off the car and warming it up to drive Orest to the tube station (even though he did have his galoshes on - they hadn't seen the light of day since we moved here, so they were a bit stiff) and took advantage of the clear main roads and my 4-wheel drive Jeep to run up to Stefanie's school just to make sure she had made it and that they hadn't shut it down.

Poor thing, she'll miss all the fun, Larysa and Adriana with our neighbours have built a fort in front of Anna's house across the street and are eating snacks in as we speak. And I think it's meant to melt by this afternoon, too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, well well.

As the only email I have for you is no longer active (or you've shut me out!!!) I had to resort to cybering over to your blog to contact you. And in my condition, that's asking a lot!

The 'my condition' part is mom of 3, wife of 1.9, warden of 5 month old pup, & master of a domain about to be xferred to Bruxelles.

Soooo, what's a valid email, Lil?

Miss you,
Sheila Van I