Saturday, December 30, 2006

On our way to Green Lake

I'm sending this last blog message before we enter the wilds of Ontario where there are no phones, certainly no computers and no running water. (Maybe this is a cry for help instead of a normal blog entry.)

The kids managed to get in 2 days of skiing here in Collingwood, albeit on one run. Orest and I meanwhile, couldn't be bothered to fork over 25 bucks to do the same run over and over and over again. I guess that highlights the difference between the children and us - they don't have such a high-falutin' idea of value for money that we do, they just want to get out there and do stuff. That's not to say we didn't do anything, there was still some quality coffee-drinking, newspaper perusing and napping to be had amongst the older set, and we enjoyed ourselves immensely.

We also had the ooportunity to catch up with the Dzulynsky clan...we still have trouble figuring out the family relationship to the Hrabowyches (our children are either 3rd cousins or ours are aunts to theirs or some variant of that). But the children are growing up quickly and it was nice to see them have fun together, especially with big Adia (Ostap and Motria's). Stefa and Larysa love hanging with her, Stefa especially, cuz she loves having a "big sister" instead of being one once in awhile.

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