Monday, July 17, 2006

Same week - Different Stuff

Just wanted to complete the news of 2 weeks ago with a visit from our cousin Marta. It was nice to have the company, even though the weather was not nice enough for Marta to tan with, and the pool was yet opened (a catastrophe of major proportions!) to hang around at. Hopefully that won't stop her from visiting again.
The weekend came with Orest visiting on his round-the-world ticket. (He'd been in the Far East on business and came North American-way instead of back across Asia.) It was only a 48-hour visit, but he managed to pack in a lot. Visited his parents and trimmed their hedges, went to the cottage and saw his daughters at camp on parent's day, put up the badminton net (bright pink, no less!), fixed various bikes and helped get the pool up and running. I'm hoping for more of the same when he comes at the end of the month for his proper holiday.
The second week was much better - weather-wise and pool-wise. By the end of the week, we were in a full-on heat wave, with the pool helping to cool us down.
Now the girls are out of camp, so I'll have less time to blog and have to spend more time entertaining them. In fact as I sit here, the 3 of them are arguing and causing me 'styd'! Can I return them to camp?????

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