Monday, June 12, 2006

Sunday, bloody hot Sunday

Man oh Man!

It's been like an oven here lately, and not the Easy-Bake kind-with-the-stupid-light-bulb-for-heat oven, but the real honest-to-goodness triple edged heatwave!

On a day like that, you just want to push your kids out of the paddling pool and wade in yourself, turning your body on a rotational basis to bathe each bit of skin properly. But no, we decided to go out. First to a Sunday brunch at Mimi and Owen's, where the boys kept cool by watching the World Cup football match on the telly, while I made iced coffees for everyone.

We then had to go get beat at tennis, since I had scheduled a match with another couple from the club as part of their annual club tournament. Orest and I lost 6-0, 6-3, by Savita & her husband. Pretty humiliating, but I always say: "It could have been worse!" It was acually, down in the other court where my friends got slaughtered 6-0, 6-1. We all sat down to some Pimms and lemonade afterwards, and it turned into a lovely social evening, with the alcohol dulling the pain and embarassment of our drubbing.

Now Larysa insisted that I tell a funny story about her since she's seen me do one on this blog about Adriana.

We were sitting down to do a verbal reasoning practise exam (this is preparation for Larysa's secondary school entrance exams next fall) and she does a lot better when I sit next to her, so she can pointlessly ask me for help, while I tell her "Remember, I won't be there with you when you're actually doing the entrance exam!". Personally, I think she just likes to have someone to complain to when she doesn't get the questions right away, and as we all know mums make the best whipping posts!
She was busy working on a section where you had to take one letter from the first word and somehow create a new word from the second; i.e. carp & flit become cap and flirt.
The words were horse and cad, which should be easy enough to see that it should become: hose and card. But, Larysa must have had some sort of brain fart because it took at least 3 minutes for her to figure out that the 'r' should be moved to create card, but then spent another couple of minutes repeating "Ho-say, ho-say. Nope, that's not a real word. Ho-say...."

In the end, to alleviate my teeth grinding into nothing, I advised her that perhaps she had the accent on the wrong syllable, and instead of calling out for some Mexican boy named Jose, she should try making the e silent.

I just hope to God she can figure these out on her own by November, otherwise no school will have her!

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